Renovation Road Map To Success

At Cbc we understand there are some critical factors that must be considered, staged and phased in order to deliver the best possible revenue return during works with the highest possible level of guest satisfaction:

  • Clearly define the entire scope of the project and receive feedback and approval from any franchise brand that may be involved.
  • Ensure service providers are meeting or exceeding franchise quality standards
  • Identify the architect, interior designer and FF&E agent (As required by the scope of the project)
  • Assess customer feedback to decide which areas of the hotel/resort operation may be obsolete or in need of modernization, especially in regard to technological advances
  • Depending on the size and scope of necessary works, determine if the hotel should be closed during works or remain operating through the renovation/refurbishment process
  • In consultation with Cbc determine the project timeline inclusive of room scheduling to be removed from inventory and the length of time those rooms are to be removed from inventory, inclusive of any public areas that will be impacted by the works
  • Prior to commencement of works, communicate early and regularly with the hotel guests, advising them of the pending renovation and keeping them fully informed of the good news as renovation progresses. This must also be communicated with the wholesalers and other hotel business partners
  • At conclusion of works, trumpet the success loud and far by every means possible via PR, Facebook, twitter, press, electronic advertising, business partners and their networks.

